Yes, everyone who followed our instructions has great improvement. The result is universal – in every social context.ย 

Our approach is based on Suggestology. Field of science developed by Georgi Lozanov. Its stuttering application was proven by Loggita center with more then 20 years of practice.

It is usually 21 days, but we can add a few extra days in some cases. You need to come to our center in Porto for a couple hours per day.

Majority of our clients who followed our instructions and were truly seeking change have enormous improvement and speak fluently.

We now work with individuals over the age of 12.

We are totally confident in our course. Thus we provide 100% guarantee if you are not satisfied.

Clients have access to our online exercises. Also there is community online group and a weekly meetings. Also clients are welcome to visit us again in our office.

We offer only courses in person. We prefer this approach due to the positive social and group factors. Socialising has a great impact on people who suffer from stuttering.

Yes, the basis of all stuttering phenomenon is the same. Our approach is focussed on the core of the problem.

Currently the course is in Portuguese. Next language will be Spanish.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to answer all of your questions. Usually we answer in 1 working day.

Even though the corse had proven its efficiency. Still it is not the standard way of treating stuttering. Currently we don’t have a medical degree and we are not speech therapists. We position ourself as speech instructor.
